Friday, April 11, 2008

flylady and weight watchers. Nothing in common, but both to be discussed.

Flylady. The wonderful carol aimee turned me onto flylady about a year and a half ago. It starts with a basic premise. "Shine your sink." This is where the flylady began. It isn't about getting a perfectly clean house or being the most organized person in the world, it is about starting where you are and developing routines to help you fly. It all starts with the small accomplishment of shining one's sink. Flylady works by developing simple monthly habits, this week it is make your bed every day. (it's small accomplishments and not getting down when you don't do something that makes it work).
Flylady also breaks the house down into zones and you concentrate on one zone each week. if you manage to work your way through the zones, eventually when you get to the zone again, it's not as hard.
When you absolutely need to get the house ready and it is a disaster, the flylady has a crisis cleaning routine (carol posted it in one of my comments as an audio file from the web radio show) or it is also found in a written version on the site.
I like flylady because she doesn't let you get bogged down in your own perfectionism. I never realized that this is what was doing it in my life. If I couldn't get it perfect I didn't work on it at all, instead I said, "I'll do it later." Flylady's motto, "Progress, not perfectionism" and it is true.
So, there is a little about flylady, I highly recommend going to the website. I sign up for the email reminders. They come throughout the day. If I need to, i delete them and go on with the day.
I had to make adjustments for my life, time, days, etc. etc. I'm not a SAHM and I don't have kids, so something things are different for me, but it is totally worth it.
Now, on to the funny. I went back on weight watchers this week. Dustin also decided to go on ww this week. I do it online, I don't have time for another meeting in my life. I lost 60 lbs before on ww and have gained back since I went off, so decided to join again and get with it. So, Dustin, who has 20 lbs to lose before reaching his ideal for his age, height, gender (jerk, only 20 lbs!) decided to go on too.
Nothing is funnier than watching him try to figure out what he can and can't eat. He went on their "Core" plan and so he can eat lots of core foods, but has to figure points for the extra's. The first day he ate two toaster strudel and that blew 1/3 of his extra points for the week and he's been panicking ever since. Not to mention that he won't get on the website to figure out what he is doing on his own, so I now am feeling like the ww mafia telling him what he can and can't eat. One the flip side, it will make cooking easier because I can cook ww friendly meals and he won't complain.
I am on the flex plan, which is more traditional. It works better for me and is easier to understand and follow. So, anyway. We'll see how this goes. I am feeling great! And Dustin is amusing the hell out of me...Yes, eat this, not don't eat that. He thinks he is going to starve, he is not. Big baby.

1 comment:

~moe~ said...

Thanks for the flylady info. I'll have to try that. I'm notorious for the "I'll do it later" in my life, with Every thing. I need some structure. That might be just what I need.

I'm really excited for you and WW! I used to do South Beach and I've tried going back on but I get really annoyed with Phase I. I don't eat too bad, I do watch my sugar intake and try to eat a lot of lean protein, but my exercise is what's struggling. I'm inspired by you!