Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday Afternoon Blech

Most afternoons I hit a wall. A very large, exhausting wall. There's plenty of things I could do, but I'm so exhausted that I am finding it hard to do them. I get so sleepy. grrrrr.
But, I can't really complain about the day. I have Maundy Thursday done and to the secretary for copying. I have Good Friday bulletin and service done. Just waiting to find out one choir detail that I don't have. Once the choir director gets back to me, I'll be ready for that to be run off too.

What I really need to do...Clean my office. Lent, Holy Week and Easter puked all over my desk and office. There are things scattered everywhere. I have a hunch that if I went through them I would discover that most of it can now be thrown because I have moved beyond that stage of a project.

Dustin called and I have parts to pick up at FEI, the joy. It sounds expensive! It always is when I have to pick up things there.

I also have to make my doc appts. today. Honestly, I just need to get it done already. I'm so behind!

Well, I must go for now.  It's cleaning I must do. And maybe get the other piddly stuff done as well.

Later all

Monday, March 8, 2010

I must admit. I'm getting bad at this.

I have been less than sporadic with my posts. I know. I was hoping to document more of Ian's firsts here and different transitions.
Now, Ian is 11 months old. He's almost walking. He has 7 teeth in various stages of growth. He is growing, growing, growing, and says the word, "up" when he wants you to hold him. So much has happened.

Now. I am pregnant again. I think I wrote a lot about that the first time. This time, it's not as dramatic. I'm more tired. I think that is mostly because I'm not only working, I'm chasing after a toddler when I am not at work. I sometimes go to work to rest!  I'm not as sick this time. That's why I'm predicting a girl.

So much is changing and I feel like I can't keep up, most of the time. I don't think we ever "catch up." I tend to see life as getting done what is necessary and doing the rest tomorrow.

So, until tomorrow.