Friday, December 4, 2009

December 3.

Note, wrote the following yesterday, but it wouldn't post. grrrrr. So, does that mean I didn't make it or that I was defeated by technology?
Anyway.. Here's what I wrote yesterday at 11:00 p.m.

Greetings. I love being home today. Well, I haven't been home a lot and the morning sucked, but it was still good to be home. I did bookwork most of the morning. Dustin cleaned house. Ian was a doll and played on the floor and in his exersaucer.

We had our tax appointment at 3:00 p.m. That's why I did the bookwork. Our appointment went well and then we ran errands. The great fun of the evening. We decided to bring supper home, so we called my inlaws and our neighbor CG and they came over for supper and we had the best time. CG was gone on a trip, so it was so nice to have her back again. 

good night.

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