Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday Morning

The winetasting was excellent last night. K and I had a lot of fun and drank some great wine. I brought my rating list home so I can get some of the ones I bought because they are definitly ones I would like again. I think that is what I love about a wine tasting. You get to try without the committment. I hate buying a bottle and finding out I don't like it and then having to choke it down or praying that someone else in your dinner party likes it and will get sloshed finishing off the bottle. (okay, maybe I only hope that)

After we had our fill of wine, we decided we were done with the high class events and went to Pizza Corner for pizza, it was fabulous. I hadn't eaten there in quite a while. It ended up being a really fun night.

I was originally going to stay at K's house, but plans with Ian had changed, so I had watched my wine consumption, lets face it, it was mostly tastes of wine anyway, so really, I probably only had one glass total and then we ate, so it was about two hours or more before I had to drive. So, don't worry anyone, I did not drink while intoxicated.  It was all over by the time that happened.

I went and met Dustin, we did a Wal-Mart run, he went and got Ian, I went home and got the laundry folded adn put away so everyone could go to bed.

This morning, I led a Bible Study and right now I'm working on confirmation worship service and lesson for tonight. At 12:30, I'm having lunch with my friend B, we haven't talked in a couple years, (long story).

It's been a great morning and I see it being a great day. I'm excited for worship tonight, I haven't gotten to do the worship service for the confirmation students yet, I'm excited.  I'm doing a home visit this afternoon, but that shouldn't take the whole afternoon, so I should be in good shape timewise as far as getting everything ready.

I finally got a hold of the PT appointment desk to schedule Ian's appointment for his helmut. They will hopefully call me back to get it scheduled before the end of the week. (What?) Okay, whatever. They have had tons of people sick and out, so I'm not going to get upset, it's just wanting to get this started so it will be finished sooner.

Well, that is all for now. I have to get back to work.

Later gators

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