Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fun Day! But I'll share the other stuff first.

My last post was less than happy. The tax appointment went great. The best one I've ever been involved with and this year I didn't cry. (I didn't cry in years previous, just left feeling crazy) This year with pregnancy hormones, if it was tough, I would have cried. But that was yesterday.
Dustin has been at the ambulance again today and tonight. So, kinda weird not having him at home for 48 hours.
In other news. Dustin was elected to church council on Wednesday. Dustin and I didn't make the annual meeting. Dustin was getting ready for a state inspection and needed help with a couple projects and I stayed to help him.
After the projects were done, we called his mom and dad on the way home. Harriet greeted him with, "You and your father were both elected to the church council." Heehee. It makes me laugh because we've been attending there for about 6 weeks. Dustin grew up in this church (or it's sister church actually) but this was a bit funny.
Now...Fun news of the day.
Tonight, without a doubt, I felt the baby kick. I didn't know if I would for awhile, but I'm pretty sure the fluttery feeling my my stomach was the baby kicking. I'm so excited. It was so cool.
I can't believe that the baby is getting big enough for me to know that it is in there. (We really need to know the sex so I can assign an appropriate pronoun).
Some days I really hate this pregnancy thing, I'm moody, crazy, hot then cold, I can't think straight and keep a thought in my head. Today...I love this pregnancy thing. To know that this little person is growing inside of me is the most humbling experience. I never thought I's know what it was like to be part of a miracle, but now I do. This is a miracle. Life is.


Unknown said...

So I just stumbled on to your blog today and got a boatload of updates - dang! Congrats on the baby! That's exciting. Blessings on your new call (for now) too! I know it's a rough decision. Heidi says Hellow btw. Peace, Mike

CindaRu and Dustin Too! said...

Thanks for the good wishes. Thanks for the support, I am really happy to be where I am at right now, it's been fun. I am preaching for a friend this Sunday and I am content with just doing that.
Say hello to Heidi.
Take care.