Monday, November 10, 2008

I hate bookwork! I love new jeans!

This Friday, we have our pre-tax appointment. This is the appointment where we go see our accountant and look at expenses, how much we made, etc. etc. And well. Try to figure out what our tax bill will be. It gives us a chance to also prepurchase seed or equipment for the next year and figure out how it will effect our taxes.
This is how it works every year. Figure out you profit, loss, expenses, etc. etc.
Now. I am in charge of trying to get this organized. I suck at this and I have to basically figure out the entire year in 4 days because I haven't worked on this stuff well....all year.
I will get this done. But I guarantee that I will cry at least once a day until it is done.

One the flip side of hate is my new jeans. I love them. I ordered maternity clothes on Friday and the first package, with the jeans, came today. I was down to one pair of jeans that fit and they didn't fit great. So, for the weekend, other than church, I was wearing yoga pants. I was relieved when the clothes arrived today. It saved the day.

Well, that is my life of love and hate.

1 comment:

KerriW_ said...

well i'm a farmer and an accountant and a I hate bookwork ... my new jeans are awesome!!