Thursday, February 14, 2008


I never have really put a lot of time or thought into Valentine's day. The last time I went all out was in elementary school when we made boxes for the valentine's we handed out to each other. I always have thought of the day as a time to spend with friends, usually single friends, and enjoying a nice dinner. I also use to buy myself a new wine goblet and a good bottle of wine each year.
The last three years, I haven't known what to do. I'm not single, so I feel this pressure in the day that I never noticed before. I really don't care about the day, so I never make a big deal out of it. Shouldn't we value the people we love every day. Friends, Family, the special people in our lives. Why is this day so special?
Tonight I have EMT class, so we aren't doing anything, but I don't really think we would have. We did find a sale on crab legs at our local market, so I think I'll buy those tonight after class and we'll have them tomorrow night.
To everyone who has a real fondness for Valentine's day. Have a wonderful day. Remind those you love that you love them. All year, not just today.

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