Saturday, April 11, 2009

Pictures of Ian James Lien

Ian James Lien
27 hours old, fed and very content

Our first family portrait.
We are very tired and very happy.

Mommy and Baby. Now, I'm not sure why I would consent to pictures being taken or why I would publish them on the internet, but I do know that I would regret not taking the pictures more. I don't think I have ever looked happier or more tired and I know it was all worth it.
I also know that I am amazed at what I was able to do.

I never thought of Dustin as a "baby" person before.
To see Dustin and our son is a pure gift. He is a baby person, he just needed the right baby.

Daddy is very excited that tomorrow Ian and I get to come home and our family will be together.

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