Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Update from the doctor!

So, Good news. I do not have preeclampsia. My urine test came back and there was no protein. On the other side of things. I do have pregnancy induced high blood pressure. My bp was pretty high at the doctor's appointment. I am on a low dose of blood pressure medicine and it is working well. We will induce Friday the 17th.
I have to take it easy still, but I'm not quite as limited as I was going to be. I had a very good nonstress test. It took less than 5 minutes. That is how active Ian was. Good boy.
I also had a bio physical profile with the radiologist. That looked really good as well. Circulation to the placenta is good. I have more than adequate amniotic fluid. Development is on track and we got two great ultrasound pics, I'll post them after Dustin gets home, they are in the pickup. He wanted to show them off at work.
We have a great side profile of the face and we also have a great picture of his foot.
So, there is the baby update and assuming that I don't go into labor, we will have a baby on the 17th. YAY!

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