I have council at 8:30 pm tonight. Late, but it works for the farmers who would feel it would be quitting early if we met earlier. It isn't so bad because it is light outside until later.
I didn't come in until after lunch because I knew I would be here late.
I am taking bites out of my worship planning for the next weeks. I want everything ready for the worship committee this weekend for when I am gone.
It will be a bit of work, but worth it if it goes together. I would like to get things put together for the week I get back too, so then the whole month is complete. That would rock
My worship committee is great about leading worship, but they are not big on helping put it together. They'll get involved for Christmas, Easter, Advent, Lent...Summer in the long green season, that seems to be my territory.
I think September will be a sermon series to break things up.
I have a plan for Wednesdays in advent, some people will love it. some will hate it. All will think it is fine for the Wed night services. It will be based around the 4 spiritual types and we'll create the service around these and experience advent worship through these lenses. It should be a lot of fun.
On the other side of things. I'm in trouble with the post office because I haven't been good about picking up the church mail this summer. It's mostly because my summer schedule has been so varied and I haven't had my own vehicle. I haven't always been coming in during the regular hours so the post has been closed. I have had a lot of things during the day away from town, visitation has been mostly in the nursing homes and in the country. So, unless we have a plan for picking up the mail, she will not renew our box. So, I have to talk to council tonight because I've been a bad pastor and got reprimanded like a 10 year old by the postmaster.
The council will either be annoyed or amused. Honestly, we just need to get through harvest and then I won't have a problem. It's just this time of year. I would also like to point out that this is another reason I should have a secretary!
We have a couple options, we'll see what they want to do. (Sadly, one will not be a secretary)
My council president is actually going to think this is funny because he was reprimanded by the postmaster too.
This wouldn't be an issue if we didn't get so much stupid junk mail. If the fundamentalist companies would stop sending me weird product catalogs, it would cut down immensely, we get these magazines for each church, so 2 x the junk mail.
Life is weird. Hymns (check), Bulletin (check), Return phone messages (check), get yelled at by the postmaster (check). Just another day in paradise.