Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Wednesday Night! What's a pastor to do?

Like I need to think about this. It is Lent people. This means lots of extra church or at least getting ready for extra church. I am traveling for round robin tonight to the great city of Grand Rapids. (when I say city I mean little town of about 50) I like preaching there, I know some of the people, which makes it easier and it's nice to go. I with colleagues do this round robin and it is so nice to have to only write one sermon and give it in 5-6 places.
Right now I am mostly stressed out about Palm Sunday and Holy Week. I think I have the Palm Sunday service covered, but now I just need to get Maundy Thursday and Good Friday decided. Maundy Thursday is First communion. I am on a break right now from confirmation class and teaching first communion classes, which is always quite fun. This year I have two 5th grade boys and they are very amusing and have lots of questions, that makes the time go fast.
I don't like it when Easter is this early. I like it in April when it is actually nice out. I like it when it feels like spring. I like it when I'm very much over the Christmas hangover. (Did I mention I still have some winter/Christmas decorations up because I haven't had time to change them. If I took them down and left nothing it would be horrible, so until I have something new, I have to leave up the poinsettia garland.
I have exciting news as well--Two exciting things.
1) I got a new washer and dryer on Sunday and I absolutely love them. Front load he5's from Kenmore. The are also red! Which of course makes me very happy. I love how much water we are going to save! I love how much time they save! I love how quiet they are!
2) Dustin has finished his patient contacts and is going to be approved to take his written EMT-Paramedic exam. It actually is on the computer, so no actually written on paper anymore. It might be possible that we are going to get a normal life back by April. (or at least as close to normal as we have been ever able to manage).
So, I have church tonight! 7:30. It's 6:00 and it only takes about 15 minutes to get to the other town. What do I do? HMMM.


~moe~ said...

I'm totally with you on this early Easter thing. Early Lent and Easter has thrown me off with every thing. And then to add to it we have early Daylight Saving Time.'s not light out yet, why are we changing our clocks so soon?!?!

Congrats on your new appliances! I'm so jealous. I can't wait to have my own place sometime so I can buy pretty new appliances like that! :)

Carol Amie said...

HOW did you forget to tell me they were red?!?!?