Saturday, December 27, 2008

23 weeks, 6 days!

I haven't written forever. Christmas and a bunch of life just didn't make it possible. I brought Dustin into the ER on Christmas Eve. He got the stomach flu and was getting so dehydrated that we needed to get some fluids and some anti nausea meds in him. Have no fear, I am doing fine and appeared to have dodged the bullet. I am giving credit to the prenatal vitamins (these things rock, I don't know if I have ever felt this good) and an extra couple doses of Vitamin C.
Dustin was better by Christmas day night, which allowed us to go to family Christmas. I really missed church though. Dustin was supposed to play, luckily the church was able to find someone.
It was a mess. Dustin and I were also supposed to host his parents and mine on Christmas Eve and they were left celebrating together without us. We were so excited and I still trying to get rid of the extra food.
I will not find out what the baby is until Jan 7. My appointment was postponed because of the holiday, so we'll find out in a week or so.
Soon though, very soon.
Have a great day everyone.


~moe~ said...

Sorry to hear Dustin was sick. I hope you had a Merry Christmas though.

Carol Amie said...

I'm convinced that you guys already know and just won't tell us so you can avoid the next round of questions that follows a gender announcement...otherwise, how are you not ready to EXPLODE with curiosity????